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Nobody is “Self-Made”

I need to get something off my chest. I loathe the term “self-made.”

It’s a selfish view of one’s success and discounts the importance of the role that others play in our achievements.

If you’re in a position of success at the moment, think about the key people that helped you get there. Then think about how different your life would be without their guidance. Weird, huh?

Ultimately, it’s not our own efforts and grit alone that will help us succeed. It’s the people that we connect with through those efforts that will be the determining factor of our success. 

Sitting at home and doing nothing will result in, guess what, nothing. 

Going out and putting effort into forming genuine connections is the key to becoming “self-made.” 

I’m not saying to go out and only make connections out of self-interest. 

But I am saying that it’s more important than ever to seek out authentic friendships in our increasingly connected, yet isolated world. 

You’d be surprised at how pivotal relationships can be formed out of unconventional circumstances.

Your next career move might be made after meeting a new friend at a kid’s birthday party. 

A new business venture may be formed after talking to the person next to you in line to get food.

You never know who God will use in your life to lead you closer to who He created you to be.

So the next time you read a headline of the next “self-made” millionaire/billionare/whatever – don’t believe the hype.

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